
Celebrating Boston Red Sox baseball great Carl Yastrzemski.

Friday, June 01, 2007

What Would Yaz Do?

Not what A-Rod did.

"It's a little bit both bush and smart, I guess. The third baseman should know where the shortstop is, and you pretty much know the guy's voice. But I would not have done anything like that."


  • At 11:03 PM, Blogger Jim said…

    Well, I'm not Carl Yastrzemski, so I can't say for sure what the Great Number 8 would have done. Yaz was considered a gamer. He played when he was injured and played hard. In all my years watching Yaz play - I don't think he could have ever done what A-Rod had done. It just wasn't his nature.

    There is no doubt that A-Rod is a major talent BUT from what I've seen from him - he would say or do anything to win. This is why I believe A-Rod said "mine" instead of "hey".

    I remember reading from several sources how Carl Yastrzemski was highly respected and a class act. A-Rod is known for many things but being a class act isn't one of them.


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